App to display nearest Balai Polis in Malaysia, within 25 km radius from where you are; sort of Balai Polis direktori. Dah nak Raya, dapatkan app untuk digunakan bila kecemasan.
We can now search Balai Polis.
The source comes from (pdrm) web site.
When first installed, please tap refresh button to get the list. Also do the same when at different locations. We do not include auto refresh just in case we require locations where we are most of the time.
Make sure to enable location/gps, otherwise you'll get white screen.
There are two screens:
- screen with a list of Balai Polis consisting of address, telephone and email (if available)
- screen with maps and point of interest where we can get direction or navigation
The map works for other places too, just no listing of police stations.
todo: search (?)